• Hackers steal my data
  • Data brokers sell my data
  • Social networks take ownership of my data
  • Websites spy on me with their tricky cookies
  • Tech giants track me with their sneaky social logins
  • Marketers constantly annoy me with interrupts ads
  • Sellers daily bombard me and drown me with unsolicited spam
  • Social media misinforms, disinforms, addicts me, and then divides us all

I am as mad as hell
and I’m not gonna take this anymore!!!

A Day in My Digital LifeI am as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!!!

A Day in My Digital LifeI am as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!!!

  • I don’t like typing – it’s tedious, laborious, frustrating, boring, and error prone.

So, I snapped!!! I lost it!!! I was mad!!!

I can’t wait to see how the promise of the semantic web, or the so called Web3, will get us to live in a safer, fairer, better connected, and more pleasant digital world. So, let’s get as mad as hell because we can’t take it anymore!!!